Cheap Patent

Cheap Patent This term is rather elusive as there is no such thing as a cheap patent. As with most things in life filing and

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Kickstarter Hopes and Dreams

Kickstarter Hopes and Dreams Many of you are aware of a company called Kickstarter.  It’s probably one of the most well-known crowdfunding companies in the

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The Dreaded Office Action

The Dreaded Office Action The Patent Office is an administrative court, and as such it adjudicates like one.  Most United States’ courts operate under an

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Patent Expiration

Patent Expiration Do patents have a shelf life? Just like yogurt or dip that expires, patents can also expire. Though they may last a little

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If You File It Yourself

If You File It Yourself Many Small-Entity Inventors who choose to file their own patents often do not know what to expect. The information below

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